Contact Us

Please check our contact details to select the appropriate way to reach us. You can complete the online form and your submission will be forwarded to an Awar representative.

Contact Info

Our Office

Road 905, building 83, office 13, Salmaniya, Bahrain 00309


Open Office Hours

08am – 12pm
01pm – 05pm


Get in Touch

T: (+973) 17 24 35 10
F: (+973) 17 24 35 09

Call: (+973) 17 24 35 10

We are here to provide with more information and answer your questions!

Get In Touch

Sales Enquiries

Our sales department will assist you in making cost effective and correct use of our products. Your feedback is highly appreciated and will help us to improve our ability to serve you and other users of our products.

Email: [email protected]

Maintenance Requests

If you want to find the right team of people, for all your product maintenance needs, then look no further! We work across a large range of industrial kitchen and laundry in Bahrain and we help our clients to keep their equipment in top condition.

Email: [email protected]

General Enquiries

If you need help with a question or query, contact our helpful Customer Services department. They can answer questions on a wide range of topics, from a single item to a fully managed project, and much more.

Email: [email protected]